

Diff between collections with LogicApps / Flow

In Logic Apps and Flow, there are so many opportunities to work with arrays and collections, and there are many things to do. A simple method using filtering was created by obtaining the difference between collections (data that exists only in B between A and B) for which no better way was found.


Check a website has been updated

Sometimes I want to detect if a specific website has been updated. If RSS is provided, it can be judged based on it, but it can not be done easily if there is only information on the website. As one method, there is a method to save it somewhere in another storage and compare it, but this time I tried to compare the method without using the storage.

LogicFlow created has been uploaded to Github.


Notify Logic Apps API Connection Error

Original Post is here.

In Logic Apps and Flow, sometimes API connection may fail. It is mainly due to the expiration of certificate deadline. It is necessary to check regularly or when an error occurs. This time I checked the API connection used in Logic Apps and let me notify of e-mail notification of errors.