Original post is here.
There are some triggers that can be used in LogicFlow that can be set variously. In many cases, direct value is set in most cases, but in some cases you may want to use the function of LogicFlow. However, it was inconvenienced by current specifications.
In this way it is possible to use functions on triggers.
This is when you use the HTTP connector as a trigger. The URL is set using the function. In the above scenes, we made the following settings.
@concat('https://api.github.com/repos/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/commits?path=articles%2Fconnectors&since=', uricomponent(adddays(utcNow(),-1)))
This invokes the Github API and gets the commit history in the Azure Logic Apps document repository. In that case, we want to make the condition "one day ago", so we specified it dynamically using the adddays function.
In this way, the calling result is specified correctly up to the previous day.
However, in this state, editing can not be done on LogicFlow designers. In the first state, trying to click on the part which is fx, the dialog is not displayed and it can not be edited. In this case, you can only edit directly with CodeView.
I thought about creating a similar situation with Flow, but I could not create it as a function even if I input a function without a dialog. However, if you import from Logic Apps, the same phenomenon seems to be reproducible.
In this way, using a function with a trigger will make maintenance after that very troublesome, so I think that it is better to refrain from using as much as possible ... It is best to give a request via UserVoice.
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